주메뉴로 가기 본문으로 가기 하단으로 가기

Parking information

Parking information

Check the parking lot location and relevant information in advance for your convenience.

General rate

Parking information
General rate
  • 1,500 won for the first 30 minutes
  • 500 won for every additional 10 minutes
Maximum parking fee
per day

20,000 Won

Parking capacity




주차요금안내에 대한 표입니다. 분류, 혜택, 문의 및 확인사항으로 구성되어 있습니다.
Outpatient service

Free for 4 hours

Parking Fee Settlement Office, medical information, receipt

Day of hospitalization, discharge

Free for 24 hours after entry

Administration Team

Surgical patients

Free on the day of surgery

Parking Fee Settlement Office

Dialysis patients
Emergency medical care

Free for the treatment day

Parking Fee Settlement Office, receipt

Interim payment of hospital bills

Free for 1 hour

Administration Team, receipt

Inpatient caregivers

7 p.m.–8 a.m. (13 hours)

Parking Fee Settlement Office
(1 registered automobile)

  • 1day : 10,000 Won
  • 7day : 50,000 Won
  • 1month : 180,000 Won

Purchase a fixed-term parking permit at the Parking Management Office.

ICU caregivers

Free for 1 hour

Parking Fee Settlement Office
(1 registered automobile)

General health examination

Free for 8 hours

Health Promotion Center

Service, after-sales service

Free for 3 hours
(Applicable when entering after 1 p.m.)

Parking Fee Settlement Office


Free for 1 hour(Applicable when entering after 1 p.m.)

Parking Fee Settlement Office